We’ve entered a new age of LinkedIn. Here’s how to maximize using the platform.

We’ve entered a new age of LinkedIn where users are finally realizing the platform’s potential, and it’s officially time to start proactively using it. Think about it - one thing we’re always harping on here at M.T. Deco is getting the most out of your time spent on social platforms - and which platform does that better than LinkedIn? None! LinkedIn gives you practically direct access to high profile executives and hiring managers. That’s pretty amazing and powerful!

Anecdotally, there’s been a deluge of interest from the real-life C-suite, on double-downing on LinkedIn. These are the people who are the actual decision-makers across corporations. For those of us not in the C-suite, like industry gatekeepers, current / aspiring authors, individuals hoping to jump into the speakers circuit, or those simply looking to make B2B connections for future collaborations or partnerships, it’s become THE top platform to prioritize in a growing number of digital strategies.

The numbers back it up too. In 2016, when Microsoft acquired LinkedIn for $26.2 billion, the professional social network had around 430 million members. Now, it’s almost doubled with more than 810 million people signed up on the platform. 

We’re entering a hot labor market, as evidenced by the Great Resignation,  and the latest jobs report that showed increased wages and openings. 

“We are experiencing a “Great Reshuffle” across the labor market, as more people in more places than ever rethink how, where, and why they work,” according to Microsoft via Social Media Today. “In this new economy, LinkedIn has become mission critical to connect creators with their communities, job seekers with employers, learners with skills, and sellers with buyers.” 

While it’s historically been the boring afterthought platform to post your resume, trust us, LinkedIn is changing and it’s becoming increasingly more interesting and dynamic by the day. So if you’re ready to start upping your LinkedIn game, here’s our top tips on getting started [which is helpful to pair with your overall digital strategy, if you’re feeling ambitious]:

Shoutout to M.T. Deco’s 2022 summer intern Jenna Bregante for her LinkedIn post announcing her new role.

Publishing - Focus on content in areas where you currently - or aspire to - work,  and post 2-3 times per week:

  • Life updates [new jobs, promotions, internships, awards received, etc.]. Note that posts can be personal, but should remain professional [avoid anything you wouldn’t normally share in a workplace]

  • The behind-the-scenes of initiatives, projects, volunteering, advocacy, and social impact work

  • A point of view / thought / question on relevant news, articles, books. Post short-form updates in-feed and longer thoughts as LinkedIn articles

Networking - Build your professional network from the inside out. Start with friends, family, current and former colleagues, teachers / professors, organizations you’re associated with, etc:

  • Connect: A ‘connection’ on LinkedIn is like ‘friending’ someone on Facebook in that you’ll be able to see each other’s posts

  • Follow: Follow public organizations, companies, and thought leaders [including M.T. Deco!]

Jobs | B2B connections - Optimize search and discovery:

  • LinkedIn surfaces jobs / opportunities based on profile interests, so be sure to fill those out

  • Add your resume to your LinkedIn profile for recruiters that may come across you

  • Proactively search for opportunities at LinkedIn.com/jobs [use filters to do so]

Recommendations - What MOST recruiters look for on LinkedIn are unique and detailed recommendations:

  • Request recommendations from managers, colleagues, or professors if you’re recently graduated

  • Write recommendations for others; be specific and highlight skills that make that person unique

LinkedIn groups - LinkedIn groups are a place to connect, ask for guidance, and share experiences:

  • Request to join LinkedIn group[s] for your current and future industries at LinkedIn.com/groups

And of course, as with all the social platforms, consistency is key. One of the worst things you can do is sprint with a ton of content and then proceed to not login for a month. Download the app and mentally train yourself to see it outside of the platform for work - it’s a platform to learn, engage, network, and create opportunities for yourself, IRL and URL.