This inspiring playlist will help you reach your dreams

**Here at M.T. Deco, we want you to not only thrive in business and life, but we want to help you find the tools that work for you to do that. Welcome to our seventh monthly playlist, curated by M.T. Deco’s in-house DJ, Lissie Jacobson, a one-woman music library. Let this soundtrack inspire you to speak your dreams and motivate you to make them a reality. Below, Lissie shares her full list and the inspiration behind her choices, and the lyrics that totally spoke to her. **

In the spirit of saying things out loud, no matter how silly or far fetched, I say go for it! That is quite literally how I got this amazing side gig…a conversation at dinner. On a weekday evening last May, I headed to the upper west side from Jersey City for the wonderful Jamie Finn’s birthday dinner. It had been so long since a lot of us girls had been together, so when we were all semi-safely planted in a parklette with wine, we went around the table for check-ins. I must not have had much else going on at the time, because the spotlight of my life was the fact that I had just upped my Spotify account to premium and it was a GAME CHANGER. I was curating the perfect work-from-home playlist and overjoyed diving into new and old music. “I wish I could get a job making playlists”, I said, giddy about an app upgrade. Jamie responded with, “Ooh, I might be able to make that happen for you!”. WHAT?! Talk about a life changer! While I still have my daytime design job, making these playlists brings me an insane amount of pride and happiness. It’s so easy to get caught up in your daily routine, weekly chores and monthly check-lists, but what if your smallest, cheesiest joy brings you to this? So please, by all means- share that joy. That deep, nagging thought that you are afraid to say out loud…put it in the universe! Imagine how big that idea could get rolling down a hill of support, gathering feedback and love and crashing into a big ol’ dream come true. While you’re getting up the courage to say it, or you’ve already said it and now you’re cruising on to making it a reality, I hope this playlist motivates you to keep going! 

Ring The Bells, Johnnyswim & Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors Lyrics

I ain’t scared to face a fortress/I have seen them fall before

Setbacks along the way are bound to happen, but being brave enough to face them is step one.

Hold On Forever, Rob Thomas

First thing: we make you feel better/Next stop: we pull it all together

Easier said than done, of course…but taking small steps to a larger goal helps the feeling of moving forward. 

Sunshine, Lance & Linton 

A silhouette through the dark in the shape of you/You were there like a spark just to guide me through

Motivation to get you through to your goal can come in any form- human or otherwise. Just look around! 

Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well, Mike Doughty

I feel as if I am looking at the world from the bottom of a well

It’s all about perspective, and sometimes when you’re feeling defeated, the only way to get out is to look up. 

Dancing in the Moonlight, King Harvest

We like our fun and we never fight/You can't dance and stay uptight

I love this reminder to keep things light-hearted, let things go, stay loose and just dance if you need to.  

If It Makes You Happy, Sheryl Crow

If it makes you happy/then why the hell are you so sad

Good reminder to check yourself, and your feelings to make sure you’re on the right path. 

Long Time Traveller, The Wailin’ Jenny’s 

My soul now seeks another home/A brighter world on high

While this could be interpreted in quite a few different ways, the soul-seeking spirit and amazing harmony of their voices makes this one so uplifting.

We’re Gonna Be Friends, White Stripes

Tonight I’ll dream while I’m in bed, while silly thoughts run through my head

I love the innocence of this song, and the idea that you find a human you like and then just spend time together. 

One Way or Another, Blondie

One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya

Super creepy? Yes. But also, a reminder to be persistent :) 

Independent Love Song, Scarlet 

I’m doing it a different way

This one is nostalgic for me, but sheds light on a way of dating that is not uncommon now, but progressive for 1995.

Don’t You Give Up On Me, Lissie

And don't you give up on me/As I dive into the dark/Slip into the endless sea

I like the idea of switching this around, having your goal speaking out to you to keep going and not giving up. 

Iron Heart, BEN & TAN

Now I'm ready to fall/'Cause I've got an iron heart

Knowing you have the bravery to fight through the downfalls that are sure to come is a strength in it’s own. 

Kings & Queens, Ava Max

To all of the Queens who are fighting alone/Baby, you’re not dancing on your own

It’s always better to face challenges when you have someone in your corner- to fight for you and celebrate with you. 

The Joke, Brandi Carlile

I have been to the movies, I've seen how it ends/And the joke's on them

This one digs deep, fighting through criticism, bullies and negative comments, urging you to keep fighting. 

Edge Of Seventeen, Stevie Knicks

But the sea changes colours/But the sea does not change

Her voice is so powerful, telling a story of teetering on right and wrong and taking the plunge. 

The Champion, Carrie Underwood & Ludacris

I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win/I am the champion

What a combo! Luda & Carrie- this song always pumps me up. 

Til’ The Right One Comes, John Mayer

So forgive me if I might look around for a minute/Before jumping right in it, I just want to be sure

Being tender footed leading into a new endeavor can be a smart way to protect yourself and reassure your own actions.

It’s Your Thing, The Isley Brothers
It's your thing, do what you wanna do

Simple message here, focus on yourself. What’s your thing??

Howlin’ For You, The Black Keys

Swing and miss and a catcher's mitt/Strike two/Baby, I'm howlin' for you

The Black Keys continue to put out good tunes, this is a throwback but really puts some pep in your step.  

Hypotheticals, Lake Street Dive

I got a Plan A, and I got a Plan B/And if it's absolutely necessary, we'll go to Plan C

Back-up plans are always good, laying out all the options and moving forward if there's a misstep.  

Carry On, fun.

If you're lost and alone or you're sinkin' like a stone/Carry on

More motivation to keep on keepin’ on! You got this. 

Almost Maybes, Jordan Davis

I wouldn’t be sittin’ here next to you, if it weren’t for the almost maybes

This is so spot on, all the hiccups and bumps get you to where you need to be– keep moving!