Finding your vibe


I’m in the midst of working out how to bring the vibe I’ve imagined in my head for M.T. Deco to life across all these digital platforms, and I figured it might be helpful to share my process. 

Real talk… the biggest challenge I’m facing right now is trying not to get overwhelmed.  Ever heard of the saying ‘the shoemaker’s children have no shoes’?  That’s how I’m feeling.  I’ve worked with tons of companies and people on their brands, their Instagram feeds, content creation, experimentation, blah blah… but for myself?  Let’s say I’ve been a tad bit neglectful.

So here’s what I’m doing…

  • Vision boards— I’ve got vision boards going ALL OVER THE PLACE.  Literally.  I’ve got your classic magazine, serial killer cut/paste ones going for both my personal life goals and for M.T. Deco [highly recommend doing a personal one if you’re big on the 1, 3, 10 year goals kind of thing like I am].  I have a Pinterest board obviously, a Powerpoint deck filled with random notes and screenshots, and of course about 10 notes going in my iPhone that end up transitioning into my to-do lists [oh, not to mention saved images on Instagram too]. 

    Is this a guide for organization?  Ha NO.  Does it help maximize extreme brainstorming at.all.times?  YOU BETCHA 

  • Content creation— Clearly at the beginning stages of this, but as I take the broader, big ideas from the vision boards and decide which to move forward with [like this blog post, for example], I’m using some filters to help me prioritize.  The content that I’m creating should ideally fall into one of these categories:

    • Help— it should be helpful info that anyone can easily apply to their own platforms/feeds

    • Niche— gotta stick to some consistent themes so that people know wtf my deal is and [hopefully] want to seek out, follow/subscribe and engage

    • Monetization— by sharing helpful information and having a clear niche, the hope is to increase the email subscriber list, visits to the page, partnerships, and who knows what else ?

  • Jumping in the deep end— and this is the scariest part, but I just HAVE TO DO IT [aka write, post, record, plan, analyze, tweak, innovate… all the stuff].  Throw the ideas at the wall and hold my breath sorta stuff, you know?

More real talk here, but being at a corporate job was both safe and an excuse for me.  Don’t get me wrong, it was always hard and demanding and creative work, but I used it as my reason for not experimenting with my own Instagram feed or not starting a blog years ago.  I was always too tired, too busy or just too intimidated by what my colleagues might say.

So yeah, now, in my mid-30s with two babies, no sleep and my own company?  I guess I feel like my personal brand and the brand of the company I want to build are justttt coming together, and I’m so nervous excited about it.  Not like nervous fearful like I might have been in my 20s, just energized and happy.

Inhale… exhale… now back to tinkering.  Have you figured some of this out?  Or are you working through some of this too [even though I’m at the beginning, I imagine this to be an ongoing process forever and always with brands/businesses…]? 

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

xo, Melissa