Why you need a blog

Here at M.T. Deco we’re firm believers that pretty much every business should have a blog. If your head is exploding just hear us out. You don’t have to call it a blog. Think of it as a feed or a landing page to showcase your leadership, expertise, humblebrags, press coverage, musings, whatever you want to communicate with your audience. It is YOUR place to showcase YOU/your product/company, etc. Think of it as a one-stop-shop for your business and social platforms to drive traffic.  


The biggest reason you should have a blog (or whatever you want to call it) is to expand your visibility.  The more blog content you produce, the more fresh material goes on your site and the greater the chances are of showing up organically in search engines. 

Second, it’s a great way to invest in your own platforms, a strategy we regularly advise our clients to focus on. While in some ways it’s enticing to build your entire presence on a social platform, it’s not a great long-term digital strategy. If, for example, you build an entire business on Instagram, grow a huge following and then, boom, Instagram randomly gets shut down [yes, believe it, that could happen].  Then what?  You’re left with nothing.  Always invest the majority of your time and effort in platforms you can control.

But let’s say you’re not a writer. Maybe you just want to run your business and ignore the churn of content creation. Maybe you just don’t feel like you have enough to say that warrants publishing to the whole world. And the idea of regularly posting on a blog can seem overwhelming. We totally get that. But, one of the greatest payoffs to investing time and energy into your blog is that it actually simplifies your digital strategy while also growing it. 

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