Trendy or not, this is the month to get back to basics

I’m terrible with trends. Unaware of most, and uninterested in others. Growing up, I actively avoided Dave Matthews’ Band because everyone loved them. I never read or watched Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. I have entirely too much too-old-for-my-time knowledge of Seinfeld episodes. And I could not for the life of me figure out why everyone was talking about Harry Styles spitting – or not– onto some other actor I don’t know for a movie I hadn’t heard of that had a whole host of other PR disasters on its hands. I might actually be a 60 year old woman trapped inside the body of a pushing-40 year old. 

But one “trend” that I can get behind is basic bitch season – better known as fall. Not even sure whether a season and the things that come with it are still considered a trend, I consulted with cultural analyst Megan Collins. She assured me: it’s supremely uncool to call yourself a basic bitch, but everything that comes with being a basic bitch is cooler than ever. Noted. Me and my extremely uncool self will just quietly light my “sweater weather” candle and pull that favorite cardigan out of the back of my closet. 

If that’s your vibe, too, we’ve got a lot of other on-trend content coming to you this month. We’ll kick off with an update from founder Melissa Blum on her big life change and finding her footing on the West Coast, followed by a new playlist from resident DJ Lissie Jacobson that is sure to satisfy the most basic of you all. Megan, in all her cool-girl cultural knowledge, will be sharing the books that you absolutely need to know of this month, as well as what the kids are up to these days. AKA the hot new apps Gen Z is spending all their time on – and whether you should hop on them, too. We’ll also be sharing a fascinating Q&A with Victor Limjoco, Executive Director of Content Partnerships for Comcast. Victor’s had quite an interesting career path, and he’s sharing that plus his advice for finding your own way in corporate America, if that’s your thing, too. And if you are super into Paris Fashion week, we’ll be talking about what you can learn from it – and other IRL events – that can support your digital strategy. Mind. blown. 

I hope you come along with us this month, whether you’re into trends or not. Let’s think of this as a reset of what matters to you – of finding your own basics whatever that might be – and having a little fun along the way. I’d love to hear what your favorite pieces are this month, so slide on over into our DMs or even better, leave us a comment or two. 

Until next month, see you on the internet.

SeriesEmma MarshallComment