Stop running on empty. This month, focus on your energy.

One morning back in February, I was sitting on our rented patio drinking coffee and reading a new novel while my husband was out for a run. There was a breeze blowing through my hair, and the sound of the ocean crashing out in front of me. Someone started yelling “mama!” – and I didn’t have to do a single thing about it.

We were on our very first kid-free vacation since our honeymoon. Granted, it’s not like we traveled much in the last 2 years, but still. Every trip we had been on in the past 5 years had either been for someone else’s wedding (fun, but not the same!), with a kid (traveling with kids is NOT vacation, it’s a trip!), or with a kiddo tagging along in utero (really puts a kibosh on late-nights and pina coladas). This was the first vacation that was just for us and just with us. And man, did we need it. Three days of beach, pool, adult beverages, novel-reading, and relaxation. It was heaven. It was a perfect way for us to reconnect, and recharge. 

I had expected it to be good for our marriage, but I didn't realize how much I personally needed the break. That first week back to real life, I wasn’t annoyed with anyone or anything. Kids fighting over toys? Oh well. Work needs popping up? No problem. I didn’t even have a touch of writer’s block, in fact, I was near prolific compared to my normal creative pace. It was like I had been functioning near-empty without even realizing it, and suddenly my tank was full. 

Now, I have to say all of this with the admission that I am in an extremely privileged position to have childcare options and means to travel. That this was even an option for me is something I’m very aware of. All that said, I still haven’t been able to shake the idea of energy since. I was so depleted, and I didn’t even realize it until I saw how patient, productive, and replenished I could really be. It was truly a revelatory experience. 

We often hear of self-care, and honestly, I often viewed it as an indulgent ridiculous theory. But now, I think there’s something to it. I wasn’t at my best until I found time to recharge. So as we kick off yet another month, I want you to join me in focusing on your energy. Are you running on fumes? What can you do to replenish yourself? I’m not saying you have to do a beach vacation – but if you can, yaaaaassss friend! – there can be small moments you give yourself to check in and see how you’re feeling, where you’re over extended, and where you can adjust. That could mean saying “no” more – a word I’m not great at saying unless it’s about my kids and more dessert. 

We’re taking this intention across all our content at M.T. Deco this month. Founder Melissa is sharing her approach to rest. We’ll also be sharing all sorts of tips and tricks on making the most of your time and effort – from writing prompts for your blog and social captions to which platform is most rewarding for the number of followers you have. And our Power of Influence series will have a deep dive into our favorite yogi, Adriene Mishler of Yoga with Adriene. We’ll look at what made her so popular – girlfriend has 10+ MILLION YouTube subscribers – even before at-home fitness was all that we could do. 

We’ve also got a superb post from new contributor Jareen Imam – a powerhouse creator who also happens to run content and advertising for Amazon [NBD]. Jareen is sharing how she protects her energy so that she can do *all the things*. As always, resident DJ Lissie Jacobson is serving up the perfect soundtrack to get your energy flowing, and The Manicured Shelf’s Megan Collins is recommending the book you simply MUST read this month. 

I hope you join us this month in saying “no” if you need to, in focusing on what is worth the effort, and what will replenish you. I hope you work smarter, not just harder, and give yourself the chance to rest and recharge. Whatever you need or do might look different than me, or others, but here’s the thing: that doesn’t matter. You focus on you, your time, your energy. And know all the way, I’ve got your back. I’m right here, cheering you on.