Put aside your doubt and self-deprecation. This month, trust.

I was scrolling through old photos of my kids after they were in bed one night (typical mom behavior) and I stumbled across a few photos from the summer of 2020. At the time I remember feeling overwhelmed with so many things. The pandemic, a newborn and a toddler, but also this omnipresent career anxiety I didn’t have the first time around. 

“Am I on maternity leave or am I just unemployed?” was a question that was on repeat in my head, and often came out of my mouth the second anyone asked how things were going. I was trying desperately to enjoy the baby moments because I knew how quickly they passed, but it was so hard to focus on that when there was so much else that was up in the air. When I had my first son, I had a company-sanctioned 6 month maternity leave. I knew when I would have to go back and what I would be doing when I went back. I cherished those months, spending time bopping around the neighborhood between baby music classes and walks in the park. But with my second, I hadn’t even been on the freelance market a year when he was born. That summer, there were no baby music classes. No office to return to. I was terrified of being “unemployed” - the first time I would ever be unemployed since I started waitressing at the age of 15. 

Now, looking back at that uncertain time, while still in an uncertain time, I feel a bit of disappointment in where I focused my mind and my energy. It’s been nearly two years now since I took an afternoon nap with a milk-breathed baby purring next to me. I wish I had been more appreciative of those days, and as secure in my career as I had been the first time around. I wish I had kept the faith that I would figure my job stuff out. I wish I had trusted that my 13+ years in the media industry would position me to find work when I was ready for it. 

Because that’s exactly what happened. Around the time I was trying to decide what to do with my life, I had an old colleague reach out with an opportunity. Then another. And then another. It turned out, no one cared that I had taken 6 months off in the middle of a pandemic to be with a newborn. My previous work was experience enough, and it spoke for itself. 

I’m happy to say that today, I still have all three of those jobs. And I have enough trust in myself and my abilities that I actively say “no” to other opportunities that don’t feel like the right fit or at the right time. I’m getting better at holding boundaries, trusting that I know what the right workload is for me and my family. I no longer worry about being honest about taking time off to spend with my family. My work continues to speak for itself. I can both make space for my family and kill it on a project. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. 

Which leads me to you, and our intention this month. We never know how something is going to ultimately turn out. But sometimes, you just have to trust yourself. Trust that you’ve made the right decision, trust that your reputation will carry you, or that your gut instinct is correct. It’s often so easy to dismiss your own ideas, or question your abilities. This month, I want you to push aside the negative self-talk and the worrying. Instead, trust yourself. 

We’re bringing this intention across all of MTD this month, kicking off with a piece from founder Melissa on how she builds clients’ trust, and what you can do to build trust in your profession. We’ll also have advice on leveling up your LinkedIN game (the professional platform of choice), and a deep dive on what the future of Twitter under Elon Musk means for you. Trust us, you’ll want to know. 

As always, our contributors are absolutely killing it this month. Resident DJ Lissie Jacobson is following up last month’s high-energy piece with another perfect playlist to vibe out to. Megan Collins of The Manicured Shelf is also back with the one book we’re all reading this month - I hope you pick this one up. And we have a fascinating featured contributor this month – Anthony Quintano. He’s a phenomenal photographer, videographer, and now Senior Manager of Visual Storytelling for TD Bank. You’re not going to want to miss his advice. 

So while we’re still in an ever-changing time, I want you to focus this month on what you can control. I hope you look inside yourself and know the value that you offer. My wish for you this month is to step into yourself and know that no matter what, you’ve got this. You are strong, you are worthy, you will figure everything out. Trust the process, trust yourself, because I trust you. And I’m right here, cheering you on.