Pause and reflect. This month, focus on your resilience.

Last weekend my family and I flew to our family’s cabin in a remote vacation town in Wisconsin. It’s as idyllic as it is memorable and holds a special place in our hearts. It was where my sister-in-law and her husband got married -- the first introduction I had to my then-boyfriend, now-husband’s family. (Nothing like meeting ALL the relatives at once!) It’s the place my husband spent the summers as a kid, riding his bike to watch the Friday night fish boil and skipping rocks on the bay. It’s where my other sister-in-law and I baked a cherry and blueberry pie that looked like an American flag. It’s the place Jack had his first popsicle. Where we first met our nephew, where we painted rocks with competing Big Ten university logos with our nieces. Where we’ve snuggled around the campfire making s'mores and drinking wine watching fireworks across the water. It’s where we’ve had so many family dinners all crowded around the table on the porch, watching the sunset. My husband and I have made the two-plane ride + 2-hour car ride journey every year since we’ve been together, except for last year. With a newborn, a toddler, and COVID, there was just no realistic way we could have made it all the way here last year. 

But now, a year later, being here is familiar and new all at the same time. We’re together, we’re vaccinated, and it feels like we’ve hopefully, finally turned a corner. I’ve been reminded of how much has changed and how much hasn’t. And what is sticking with me is that despite it all -- we are still here. Still having s’mores and campfires, dinners crowded around the table, toddlers running in the grass and dipping little feet into the cold lake. I’ve been blown away by the hope of it all, by the resilience of not just our family but all of the families who can be reunited this summer, and those who are finding their own tables a little emptier but who are still finding peace and joy where they can. 

Last month we focused on your ability to create a life that is authentic to you. But there are so many things that you can’t control. That’s where resilience comes in. Your ability to keep going, to pivot, to pause. And then to rise up, to reinvent, to start over. We’re bringing our intentions here this month, to take a moment to appreciate our collective resilience. To marvel in our ability to just keep swimming. 

On the business side we’ll have advice for what to do if your digital strategy isn’t working, and a TikTok starter pack for those curious about what all the buzz is about. Our founder Melissa Blum will also share how she’s managed to develop (and keep) her thick skin. We’ve also got an inspiring look at the power of community through influencer @Leowithcancer and what you can learn from her.

As always, we have some awesome contributors lined up as well. The always-inspiring Stefanie Cruz, founder of DigiGeeks Collective, is sharing her journey of persistence through 14 years (!!!) of digital strategy starting on Capitol Hill, winding through the non-profit space, and to her mission-driven work today. And Megan Collins of The Manicured Shelf is back to wet your reading appetite with some tales of resilience she’s hand-picked for us. 

We hope you join us this month in taking the time to look back and marvel at how far we’ve all come. Take a breath and reflect on your own journey. While it most certainly hasn’t been a bump-free road, you’re still here. You’re still going. We see you. Keep going. We’re right here, cheering you on.